Taraweh Keliling, Bogor Deputy Regent Distributes Social Assistance and Mosque Renovation Assistance in Cigudeg Area


Sunday, March 16, 2025


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor

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PORTALJABAR, BOGOR REGENCY - Bogor Deputy Regent (Wabup) Jaro Ade carried out the Taraweh Keliling (Tarling) activity at the Al-Hidayah Grand Mosque, Nangka Village, Cigudeg Village, Cigudeg District, on Friday night (14/3/2025)

On that occasion, Deputy Regent Jaro Ade also handed over aid worth IDR 10 million to renovate the mosque and distribute basic necessities to the management of the DKM of the Al-Hidayah Grand Mosque.

Jaro Ade expressed his gratitude for being able to be present in Cigudeg Village tonight to carry out the instructions of the Bogor Regent.

"We share tasks, last night I was in Cileungsi, he was in Cibinong. We hope that in the future we can continue to socialize with the community, especially in the West Bogor area. Tonight, I am accompanied by colleagues from SKPD, including the Kapolres and members of the Provincial and Regency DPRD," he explained.

The Deputy Regent of Bogor also emphasized the importance of maintaining the conduciveness of Bogor Regency and advised the community to play an active role in creating a safe environment.

"We hope that the Cigudeg area will always be safe and conducive. God willing, we will continue to coordinate to build a better Bogor Regency," he said.

In addition, Jaro Ade also reminded about the importance of preventing tobacco and alcohol which have the potential to damage the younger generation in Bogor Regency.

"I invite all levels of society to report these matters to the authorities in order to maintain the cleanliness and goodness of the nation's future generations," said Jaro Ade.

Then, the Head of Cigudeg District, Ade Zulfahmi, expressed his gratitude for the arrival of the Deputy Regent of Bogor in his area.

"The presence of the Deputy Regent of Bogor in Cigudeg is an honor for us. We hope that the development of infrastructure and various facilities here can continue to be improved, especially to support the needs of residents and the younger generation in Cigudeg," said Sub-district Head Ade Zulfahmi.

This activity was also attended by various parties, including members of the DPRD, the Head of Cigudeg Village, and the surrounding community who enthusiastically participated in the event. (Diskominfo Kab. Bogor/Fauziah)

Editor: Fauziah Ismi

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