PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Deputy Mayor of Bandung, Erwin, returned to perform tarawih with residents. This time he performed tarawih at the Miftahun Jannah Babakan Cikutra Mosque RT 01 RW 08, Neglasari Village, Cibeunying Kaler District, Bandung City, Tuesday (11/3/2025).
Before tarawih, Erwin also gave a sermon. On that occasion, Erwin revealed the qualities that a leader must have.
"As a leader, you must have characteristics that are able to improve the welfare of your people. You must be fair, tolerant, balanced and brave," he said.
In addition, he said, leaders must also apply the four characteristics of the apostle, namely shiddiq, amanah, tabligh, fathonah.
"In the main vision and mission of Bandung, one of them is Religious. We strengthen religion together with kiai, ulama, ustaz and Forkopimda," he said.
He revealed that there are 8 traits that must be possessed as a leader. Four of them are the traits of the prophet and the other 4 are the traits of a leader in society.
Erwin also explained the last 4 mandatory characteristics of the Prophet that can be applied in everyday life.
These traits kept the Apostles from committing sins and made them always pious. (Diskominfo Kota Bandung/rka)