PORTALJABAR, BOGOR CITY - Bogor Mayor Dedie A. Rachim opened the public consultation activities for the 2025-2029 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) and the 2026 Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) at Paseban Sri Baduga, Bogor City Hall, Monday (10/3/2025).
On that occasion, Dedie conveyed a general overview of the future development of Bogor City.
The development carried out covers the fields of health, education, transportation, budgeting, and various other sectors which remain guided by the three identities of the City of Bogor, namely Green City, Smart City,
and Heritage City_.
It is hoped that this development can improve the quality of life and welfare of the people of Bogor City, and have a positive impact on economic growth.
"Development is not only infrastructure, but also human development. These two aspects must be integrated to ensure that the commitment to building Bogor City to be better is maintained as
one unit," he said.
Head of the Bogor City Regional Development Planning, Research, and Innovation Agency (Bapperida) Rudy Mashudi reported that this public consultation aims to prepare the 2026 RKPD while harmonizing and synchronizing the 2025-2029 RPJMD with the vision and mission of the regional head.
The concept of the RPJMD is to translate the vision and mission that have been set by the elected Mayor, namely Bogor Beres and Bogor Maju, which will be described in four main missions.
This mission is then broken down into goals, targets, policy directions, programs, and activities that will have an impact on the development of Bogor City in the next five years.
Bapperida has held 13 thematic consultations since January to absorb community aspirations and ensure that important matters that may have been missed from a government perspective can be accommodated in the planning.
Rudy hopes that this public consultation can be a confirmation forum before the development planning documents are refined.
Also present were Deputy Mayor of Bogor Jenal Mutaqin, Acting Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bogor City Hanafi, and representatives from the Bappeda of West Java Province.