PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - West Java Festival 2024 is just around the corner. This grand event organized by the West Java Provincial Government will be held at Gedung Sate, Bandung City, on August 23-24.
Various interesting activities can be enjoyed by the public for free, starting from bazaars, job fairs, mass weddings, to music concerts and art performances. The excitement will certainly attract public interest and provide an extraordinary experience, especially since WJF 2024 is held to celebrate the 79th anniversary of West Java Province.
On this occasion, the West Java Provincial Government also invited the public to participate in making WJF 2024 a success. The way to do this is by registering as a volunteer on the SAPAWARGA application.
Registration is open from 7-10 August 2024. Those who are interested only need to complete a few easy steps, namely:
1. Update the Sapawarga application to the latest version
2. Log in to the Sapawarga application
3. Open the West Java Festival 2024 menu in Sapawarga
4. Select "Volunteer" / "Register to Volunteer Here"
5. Fill in the registration form
6. Waiting for the announcement via Whatsapp from the official volunteer team of the West Java Festival (12-14 August 2024)
Not only involved in making the activity a success, several other benefits can also be obtained when becoming a volunteer. For example, having easy access to all areas, expanding social networks, and training one's abilities in an event.
So what are you waiting for? Come on, get a different experience and point of view at the classy and grandest event, the West Java Festival 2024.