PORTALJABAR, BOGOR CITY - The President's Special Envoy for Tourism, Zita Anjani, made a working visit to SMKN 3 Bogor City, Friday (7/3/2025).
Accompanied by the Mayor of Bogor, Dedie A. Rachim and Yantie Rachim and the school, Zita Anjani reviewed all five areas of expertise programs at SMKN 3 Bogor City.
Zita Anjani appreciates SMKN 3 Bogor City which has made a major contribution to the tourism sector in terms of the availability of superior Human Resources (HR).
"Yes, because SMKN 3 Bogor City has a program to also channel students so that when they graduate they can immediately work. And this...
"We have contributed a lot of human resources in the tourism sector," he said.
In order to also be able to participate in developing tourism in Indonesia, the party is offering cooperation so that SMKN 3 graduates can be active in tourist villages in Indonesia.
Because, the existence of these tourist villages is also in line with the message from President Prabowo Subianto to downstream development so that it is not only in urban areas, but also reaches the village level.
Bogor Mayor Dedie A. Rachim said that SMKN 3 is a contributor of skilled workers, not only for hospitality in Indonesia, but also spread to various countries abroad.
"So this is one of the leading vocational schools in Bogor City. So at least there will be no more issues of open unemployment, because there are indeed many job opportunities," he said.
However, Dedie admitted that the challenge in Bogor City is parental permission. So, according to him, the breadth of job opportunities must also be
accompanied by providing a good understanding or approach to the students' parents.
"So that these children's skills are fulfilled, then they also have permission from their parents," he said.