About West Java

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History of West Java

West Java is the heart of Sundanese culture or commonly referred to as Tatar Sunda/Pasundan together with the province of Banten, although many immigrants have settled and lived from various other ethnic groups in Indonesia, especially in the metropolitan area of Jakarta and have migrated to Cirebon for centuries.

  • The 5th Century

    Tarumanegara Kingdom

    In the 5th century, West Java was part of the Tarumanagara Kingdom. Inscriptions left by the Tarumanagara Kingdom are widely spread in West Java. There are seven inscriptions written in the Wengi script (which was used in the Indian Palawa period) and Sanskrit, most of which tell about the Tarumanagara kings.

  • The 8th Century

    Sunda Kingdom/Pajajaran

    After the collapse of the Tarumanegara kingdom, rule in the western part of the island of Java from Ujung Kulon to Kali Serayu was continued by the Sunda Kingdom. One of the inscriptions from the Sunda Kingdom era is the Kebon Kopi II inscription which dates from 932. The Sunda Kingdom had its capital in Pakuan Pajajaran (now the city of Bogor).

  • The 16th Century

    Cirebon Sultanate

    In the 16th century, the Demak Sultanate grew to become an economic and political rival to the Sunda Kingdom. Cirebon Harbor (later Cirebon City) was separated from the Sunda Kingdom due to the influence of the Demak Sultanate. This port later grew into the Cirebon Sultanate which separated from the Sunda Kingdom. Banten Harbor also passed into the hands of the Cirebon Sultanate and later grew into the Banten Sultanate.

  • The 17th Century

    The Netherland via VOC Entered Jayakarta

    The VOC had offices in Ambon from 1610 to 1619. However, because of pressure from the Portuguese conquest, the VOC moved to Jayakarta or Batavia in 1619. And the first VOC Governor General was Pieter Both.

  • The 19th Century

    The Netherland VOC power increasingly felt in West Java

    The VOC expanded its territory by establishing its power in the Banten region. Efforts to develop the territory of this power were recorded in 1603 AD. At that time, Banten allowed The Netherland partnership, namely the VOC, to dock its ships, set up offices, and even allowed it to build its defensive fort in the Banten region.

  • 1925

    The Netherland East Indies formed the province of West Java

    The formation of the province was an implementation of the 1922 Bestuurshervormingwet, which divided The Netherland East Indies into provincial regional units.

  • August 1945

    August 17th, 1945

    West Java joins Republic of Indonesia

  • August 1945

    August 19th, 1945

    West Java provincial government anniversary

    The Indonesian Independence Preparatory Committee (PPKI) session announced West Java as one of 8 provinces in Indonesia. Furthermore, through Regional Regulation Number 26 of 2010 concerning the Anniversary of the West Java Provincial Government, establishing August 19 as the Anniversary of the West Java Provincial Government.

  • August 1945

    August 27th, 1945

    West Java Becomes a Pasundan State

    West Java became the Pasundan State which is one of the states of the United Republic of Indonesia.

  • 1950

    West Java returns to Indonesia