About West Java
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About West Java
Government Structure
Regional Government
Regional Apparatus Structure
Based on West Java Governor Regulation No. 82 of 2020 concerning the Position and Composition of Regional Apparatus of West Java Province, Regional Apparatus is an auxiliary element of the Governor and Regional Peoples Representative Council in carrying out government affairs which are the authority of the West Java Province Region

Main Duties and Function
Provincial Regional Secretariat
- The Provincial Regional Secretariat is a staff element.
- The Provincial Regional Secretariat is led by the Provincial Regional Secretary who is located below and is responsible to the Governor
Provincial DPRD Secretariat
- The Provincial DPRD Secretariat is an element of administrative services and provides support for the DPRD's duties and functions.
- The Provincial Regional Secretariat is led by the Provincial Regional Secretary who is located below and is responsible to the Governor.
Provincial Regional Inspectorate
- The Provincial Regional Inspectorate is the supervisory element in the administration of Provincial Regional Government.
- The Provincial Regional Inspectorate is led by the Inspector.
Provincial Regional Department
- The Provincial Regional Depertament is the implementer of Government Affairs which is the authority of the West Java Province Region.
- The Regional Department is led by the Head of the Department whose position is below and is responsible to the Governor through the Provincial Regional Secretary.
Provincial Regional Agency
- The Provincial Regional Agency is a supporting element for Government Affairs which is the authority of the West Java Province Region.
- The Regional Agency is led by the Head of the Agency who is located below and is responsible to the Governor through the Provincial Regional Secretary.