Garut Regent Appreciates Accreditation of 67 Community Health Centers in His Region


Friday, November 10, 2023





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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - The Regent of Garut, Rudy Gunawan, appreciated the 67 community health centers in Garut Regency which are currently undergoing the accreditation process. This was expressed when leading a joint rally at the Garut Regency Regional Secretariat (Setda) Field on Monday (11/6/2023).

The Regent stated that if there are community health centers that do not take part in accreditation, they will not receive capitation from the Health Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS).

Currently, several community health centers have succeeded in obtaining accreditation results, with three of them achieving a plenary title, aka 5 stars.

"Now it is being phased in and the results are quite good, I am satisfied, that of the 4 that have been released, the results are 3 getting plenary, aka 5 stars, one is the main 4 stars," he said.

The Regent also appreciated those who are at the forefront of reducing stunting in Garut Regency, so that his area received a prize of approximately IDR 6 billion.

With dynamic services at the community health center, which is also one of the closest health facilities for the community, it is hoped that more and more community health centers in Garut Regency will receive a plenary or 5 star rating from the results of their accreditation.

Head of the Garut Regency Health Service (Dinkes), dr. Leli Yuliani, stated that her party is targeting 67 community health centers in Garut Regency to be able to carry out reaccreditation this year, as an effort to improve the quality of health services.

Currently, there are 22 community health centers that have carried out reaccreditation surveys, and 7 of them have obtained accreditation results. Of those 7, 6 were recognized as plenary or 5-star, and 1 as major.

"The benefit of implementing this accreditation is as an effort to improve the quality of health services. So it is hoped that if the puskesmas is accredited, especially if it is complete, hopefully we will be able to provide services that comply with standards, which will also be beneficial for us to extend our collaboration with BPJS Health ," he said.

Dr. Leli added that the accreditation survey will take place from September to December 2023, with a target of 70% of community health centers being able to obtain a plenary title.

He revealed that there were several things assessed in this accreditation survey, starting from health center management, health services, asset management, to patient safety, which were the parameters in this reaccreditation assessment.

With this accreditation, it is hoped that the quality of health services will increase, the safety of patients and health workers is guaranteed, and the comfort of patients and employees is maintained.

"Then we can also continue to collaborate with BPJS, so that we can provide even more optimal services to people who have BPJS and services to poor people," he said. (rdp*)

Editor: rdp

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