Bekasi District Government Facilitates Issuance of Practice Permits for Health Workers


Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi


Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi

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PORTALJABAR, BEKASI REGENCY - The Bekasi Regency Government continues to strive to provide solutions so that medical personnel, such as doctors, midwives, nurses, and pharmacists, can obtain practice permits more easily and quickly through the post

"Do not let medical personnel, such as doctors who will perform surgery, have not completed their practice permits. This could have an impact on the potential for malpractice," said Bekasi Deputy Regent (Wabup), Asep Surya Atmaja.

With the existence of this SIP acceleration post, health workers can now complete the process of publishing a Practice Permit (SIP) in just one day.

This step is expected to ensure the acceleration of health services to the community and medical personnel working in accordance with applicable regulations.

Meanwhile, Head of Social and Economic Licensing Team of DPMPTSP Bekasi Regency, Sarwoko, added that this post was initiated by the Deputy Regent of Bekasi as a concrete solution for health workers who experience administrative obstacles in submitting SIP.

"Our goal, in accordance with the direction of the Deputy Regent and the Head of DPMPTSP, is to help health workers who experience obstacles in the SIP application process so that they can immediately obtain a practice permit," said Sarwoko.

According to him, most of the health workers who came to the post consulted regarding the technical requirements of SIP and the use of the Bekasi One Stop Service (BOSS) system. Due to high demand, the post service which was initially held until March 18, 2025 was finally extended until March 21, 2025.

By extending the SIP publication post service, it is hoped that all health workers who are still facing administrative obstacles can immediately complete their licensing process.

This step not only provides convenience for medical personnel in carrying out legal practices, but also is a form of commitment from the Bekasi Regency Government to improving the quality of health services in its area.

Through this service, the SIP application process is expected to be more efficient, transparent, and support the availability of licensed health workers who are ready to serve the community optimally. (Diskominfosantik Kab. Bekasi/Fauziah)

Editor: Fauziah Ismi

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