Garut Regional Government Appreciates Development of Higher Education


Saturday, March 2, 2024


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - The Garut Regency Regional Government (Pemdakab) appreciates the contribution of universities in the development of human resources (HR) in Garut Regency. One of them is the Darul Arqam Islamic College (STAIDA) Muhammadiyah Garut.

Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Garut Regency, Didit Fajar Putradi, stated that his presence at the inauguration ceremony for the Chair of STAIDA Muhammadiyah Garut was a form of appreciation from the regional government for the role of universities in human resource development in Garut Regency.

"The election of Mr. Dr. Ujang Burhanudin Master of Sharia Economics for the 2024-2028 term of office is also welcomed and we fully support it," said Didit when interviewed after the inauguration of the Chair of STAIDA Muhammadiyah Garut in Garut City District, Garut Regency, Friday (1 /3/2024).

Furthermore, Didit stated that STAIDA and the regional government could support each other to build a better Garut society in the future.

"Of course, in the future, good cooperation to overcome the various problems that still exist in Garut Regency, even with good achievements as now, will continue to be established through the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education from STAIDA," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Council for Higher Education Research and Development (Diktilitbang) Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Budhi Akbar explained that this inauguration was part of efforts to ensure that Muhammadiyah universities could carry out the mandate from the government and implement the Tri Dharma of higher education.

"To implement the Tri Dharma of higher education and become part of Muhammadiyah's charitable efforts to foster al-Islam and Muhammadiyah, as its mission of preaching," he said.

Budhi said that there are currently around 160-170 Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah universities in Indonesia. Budhi hopes that STAIDA Muhammadiyah Garut can continue to develop and even become a university in Garut Regency, so that it can make a greater contribution to human resource development.

"So by increasing its status to become a university, it is hoped that many human resources will be absorbed to be developed, so Muhammadiyah's contribution to developing human resources will be even greater, even higher," he said.

Chairman of STAIDA Muhammadiyah Garut, Ujang Burhanudin, explained the importance of support from all elements involved in STAIDA and the Muhammadiyah organization in realizing the transformation of the university. (Diskominfo Garut/Revo)

Editor: Revo

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