Bekasi Deputy Regent Releases 23 Vehicles for Population Administration Services


Tuesday, March 18, 2025


Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi


Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi

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PORTALJABAR, BEKASI REGENCY - Bekasi Deputy Regent, Asep Surya Atmaja released 23 operational vehicles to improve population administration (adminduk) services in Bekasi Regency.

This step aims to expand the reach of services to the furthest areas, so that people can more easily access population services.

"With this vehicle, Dukcapil can increasingly take the initiative, serving the community even in remote areas," said Asep after leading the Korpri Ceremony at the Cikarang Pusat Regency Plaza, Monday (17/3/2025).

Asep emphasized that the Bekasi Regency Government (Pemdakab) is committed to continuously improving public services and is open to public input. He gave an example of resolving obstacles experienced by health workers in processing the Practice Permit (SIP).

"We called DPMPTSP, Diskominfosantik, and the Health Office for an audience. Don't let the doctor be ready to operate but the permit is not yet complete, later it could risk malpractice. Alhamdulillah, finally a special post was created so that the permit process can be completed in one day," he explained.

In addition, Asep appreciated the Botram program run by Dukcapil in checking the blood types of students in schools. According to him, this program provides great benefits for students who do not yet know their blood type as well as being a means of direct interaction with the community.

"I hope this activity can continue and be passed down from one regional head to the next," he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bekasi Regency Dukcapil Service, Carwinda explained that this new vehicle will be used for outreach services, especially in making death certificates.

"This death certificate data is very important because it is related to various policies, such as social assistance, health access, and elections," he said.

Carwinda also revealed that the administration of death certificates by the community is still relatively minimal compared to birth certificates. "If birth certificates are processed immediately because they are needed for school, death certificates are often only made when there are certain interests such as inheritance. In fact, many immigrants in Bekasi Regency do not have their administration processed after they die, even though they are still registered as residents," he explained.

In an effort to facilitate services, the Bekasi Regency Dukcapil now has a Call Center application that allows people to take care of death certificates without having to come to the office.

"With this operational vehicle, our officers can go directly to the homes of residents who need services," he concluded.
(Bekasi District Government Public Relations/rka)

Editor: Revo

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